First night. Found my way to the damn hotel, which is a bitch when they change names for stupid reasons. Walk in and pay my $40.00 (right as I hear something about Wolf getting in for free?) Find Dark Cube (DC), the low life white guy with an afro. (hehehhe) See keynote speaker. Setup my station and start installing Slackware 7. Again. Order pizza. Stay up till 6:00 am fighting with people about how cross-over cables are suppose to communicate between hubs. Found that they did get the Internet connection up and running, well kinda. Help with figuring out the fucking power situation. Sleep 4 hours. 11:00 am, wake up and stumble down to find people still pissed off about power. DHCP goes down (has been all night too.) I watch as Wolf exams the cryptic evidence in the Win2000 event viewer, and finds who ever was on 1.123 had a DHCP server running, (which conflicted with the main DHCP server) Step into see a few people in conferences. Play on the Internet, attempted to setup a Web Cam (which flopped due to lack of bandwidth) Instead of explaining to people why you need to cross-over pairs between hubs, I simply told them to "Stop fucking with it" Watched as Prez hacked up some mad PPP skills and put together a remote access site for dial up. Found a nice panel of phone wires in the hallway, and had enough common sense to leave it the fuck alone. Took off to eat with some total strangers. Came back to a missing laptop, and found out that Dark Cube was spinning at a Rave in Detroit. Found my laptop in Prez's room Watched Prez play with the dial up network to network system (I still say you should have let me do IP Masqurdering with IPChains.) Took a shower and then went to the Rave with Dark Cube. (He didn't spin to bad either. :-) Came back to a mess of ISDN problems. Searched for an hour to find Wolf and get the fucking password to the Win2k box. (Both the acting router for Internet access And the DHCP server.) Messed around for a few hours, played on the internet, and tried to get my Web cam working again. Went to breakfast at Big Boys Came back to more ISDN problems. Tried to De-Code the Binary on the squeaky toy. Fell asleep in the chairs on the table... Blur. Found my self driving home... Blur. Found my self seeing tail lights on I96, Slamming on the brakes, praying that I don't hit anything as I go off the side of the road... Blur. Fall asleep (safe) in McDonald's parking lot. Blur... Wake up in the parking lot, get some food, and drive my ass the rest of the way home. MISSING ITEMS!!!!! C by example book (Used to decode the squeaky toy) My Pimp Hat. As seen in If you have any idea where these items are, Please e-mail me. I will gladly pick them up. Also why is Bill Darin's name on all the pictures I took?? (The sleeping cookie series) Reverse Corrupiton A member of Fire St0rm, a Security Research Affiliate