The Tall Red Head Kid That Didn't Bring A Computer To Rubi-Con's Writeup First off I would like to thank everyone, This was my first con and I had a blast. Due to circumstances beyond my control I was only present for Saturday and Sunday and now that I have a fractured foot I have some time to write my review. For those of you that care E-cards and well wishes to me can be sent to (yes I have AOL but that is what my dad pays for so deal with it) Anyway, Here is my views and oppinons of Rubicon 2001 Saturday 7am wake up get set for the con. 8am breakfast at Travis, another restraunt in my town simiular to the diner downstairs from the con eccept there is a cook 24/7 9am Arrive at Rubi-Con on time, Wow that is a first, Notice the Generator outside, how amuseing. Come in and check in. Find out there is a suite available for $75 decide to take it. Sign in and meet Tony, who says asks if I have any equipment for the network room. My dad asks if I should of brought one, Tony says don't worry about it someone will let me use theirs. Learn about someone having a 183 BAC level. I check into my room real quick come back down for the snoopy speech. Dad leaves untill 5pm. I enter the speaker room, It is offical I have arrived let my con experence begin. I listen to the snoopy speech. Don't really get it but will check out the website later. 10am Next speaker begins. This one is on The Honeynet Project. Much more interesting. I like the project and enjoy the speech. Good Job Lance. Midway throught the speech I realise that two guys from the tech dept at school are there. 11am Next speech begins it is from one of the boring old guys that Andrew Rips on and gets them to shut up later. Didn't understand most of it eccept for the ethics part about know your enemy which sorta scared me. Noon Meet up with the guys from the tech dept to see what they are doing there. I knew in advance that they would be there but didn't think much of it untill I saw them. Learned they were there because some students from school were there and they wanted to be ready incase of any attacks on the network. 12:30pm go hang out in my room for a few min go back down learn why the elevators are so sticky. 1pm Go the the grease on a stick diner downstairs learn that they don't wanna serve me get food anyway. I should feel special seeing I am the last food order until 4am 2pm Check out the network room again tech dept guys still there hear the mobsters speech and panel disscusion will be occouring go see it. Find it very amuseing and entertaining it was a riot. Later I found in the elevator a note that said Fuck Mobsters. 3-5pm hang out in network room see speakers aren't that interesting go order pizza goto room and wait for pizza. Phone Call from my dad so I call him to check in. 5:30pm Pizza arrives now for the daring task of walking down to the network room without the pizza being stolen. Hey better be prepaired for the worst. 6pm Finish pizza, dad arrives. Tech Dept People leave for the night. 7-8:30pm check out more speakers find out they aren't that intersting again. Go up to room talk dad in to going to Cornor Party store that had bulletproof glass and closed at 8:30pm hummmm ok whatever 8:30pm take short nap untill 10 so I can be up all night 10pm go down for speeches catch the tail end of one. I don't remember. See Tony again he asks how the con is going I say great he says he noticed that I didn't bring a computer with me and that if I needed to use one let him know and he would let me use his. 10:30-11 go use tony's machine use internet and learn about linux find my linux beleifs are true. 11pm see another speech I don't remember Sunday Midinght. Stare at ATT building for no reason and watch Win NFF's oh excuse me Win 183's T-shirts 1am Look at ATT Building again. Watch 183 AKA NFF get his ass kicked in the finals 3.5//5 sucks to be him. 2am Watch what I have been waiting for all day Hack This Bitch Detroit Style Contest 2:05am Learn the contest is now a demo oh well still worth the wait. I think this was the best thing all weekend to see Jim and NFF cancel each others cell phones and pester Meijer and call Ron's mom and go round and round with microsoft. Definately worth staying up for. 4:30am go get a coke downstars learn they are serving don't care go back up and find out I missed the end of the demo. oh well catch the rest on MP3 4:45am goto room goto bed and sleep on couch 8am dad wakes me up tells me to use the bed 9am wake up and go check out speakers 9:30 go back to bed 11:45 Stupid maid wakes me up tells us checkout time is noon like they have some one in line for my room anyway. Noon watch speakers realise tech dept people are back. Dad leaves for a while. 1pm watch NFF's speech on hacker ethics. It was right on the money one of the best speeches during the con also watched Andrew enter complaining he over slept. 2pm watched the closing ceremonies, scavenger hunt and the con basically end. 3pm Saddened I now must return to civilization and swear to enter scavenger hunt next year. Tech dept guys leave watch people leave and scatter around the lobby. Pickup a green monitor for free. 3:30pm dad comes to pick me up we go eat 5pm Go home do homework goto bed ready to explain my experence to everyone at school tommorw. I know that this was very leghthy but I am crippled for the moment and have nothing better to do. Thanks again for a very fun and exciting con I will definately be comming back for Rubi-con 4 hopefully for all weekend and definatly with a computer. Thanks Once Again Erik Anderson AKA Master E or The Tall Red Head Kid That Didn't Bring A Computer Shout Outs SL Tech Dept. Crew: Dan Bill Mad Props Tony (for use of his computer) NFF (for good con and speech) Andrew (for shutting up the old guys) crew (for the free stuff tips)