Review of Rubi Con 2001 High Class Hooligan 1. All your _________ are belong to us. A) Blender B) Liquor C) T-shirts D) All of the above Of my very limited con adventures (Rubi Con 200, PhreakNIC 4.0), I place Rubi Con 2001 at the top. Not only did the have fun and represent (I'll get to that part later), but there were babes there. BABES! Not those IRC girls or the fat girls who room with computer hackers. Oh no. Real girls. Real girls who know nothing about computers - you know, the kind that exercise and stuff. Our adventure started about a week before the con started. I received an email from informing me that he had pulled some scam and gotten us free passes to Rubi Con 2001. About a day after that I was informed that this scam consisted of sodium signing us all up so do some speech on something. Whatever, we'd get drunk and pull something out of our ass. I wasn't even 100% sure what I supposed to talk on until the night before the con when I jotted about 2 sentences down on my laptop - that was supposed to be my speech. We (sodium and myself) had found a ride up to the con via sodium's girlfriend (did I thank you?). She is very cool and actually knows a tad bit of H/P stuff from living with sodium. Now, about a week before the con we started talking and making arrangements for the con. Sodium_s girlfriend said that her alcoholic mother would accompany us and pay for our hotel room. I can think of nothing more amusing than staying in a hotel room with a middle aged woman who likes to party, at a hacker con no less. Can you? Unfortunately this didn't happen. Sod's girlfriend's little brother just got on spring break and begged her to let him come. He (Atari) is 15 years old and wanted to go there to learn how to hack. And he, in turn, brought along with him his friend from school (Casper aka Gizmo aka the 12 yr old blond kid) who wanted to go there to drink beer and be able to smoke cigarettes without getting in trouble. He was like 15 or 16 and asked us on the ride up if we could make him a fake id because he only has his temps. Can you see where this is leading? We leave cincy Thursday night and drive up to Columbus to pick up these kids. Since the drunken mother wasn't coming we convinced Casper to get enough money from his mom to pay for our room. We sure as hell weren't going to do it. We try to pick up the kids from school Friday but somehow missed them. Eventually we got everything squared away and left Columbus around 3 PM. We were supposed to speak in 4 hours. Now let me be the first to say that sodium's girlfriend is a great person and is incredibly nice and fun. Ok, that said she is one crazy driver. She is no Utahsaint (see but she must be a distant relative. Her driving technique consists of getting in the left land and driving up to the back of the car ahead of her and giving them a couple taps on their back bumper to let them know that they need to get out of her lane. Then when she gets to a truck and follows it so close that they can't see her she'll switch lanes and pass them on the right so close that their tires rub up against our windows. Now I may be exaggerating a tad, but really folks it was scary. I would estimate that our average speed was somewhere in between 90 _ 105 mph. Oh and she likes to feeling that driving on the rumble strips gives her__ Because of her reckless driving we pulled up to the door of the hotel at almost exactly 7:00 and sodium and I hop out and run inside. Our boy Rijilv, who is sitting behind the desk and seeing the rushed looks on our faces, throws two speaker badges around our neck as we run towards to conference room. But the conference room had not yet been equipped with a VCR that we needed to play our into video. [ The topic of our speech was _Low Class Scams: How to live for free_ Our introduction video was spliced footage of big guns, people getting shot, and explosions. I'm not really sure how it related but it was entertaining.] The con organizers then moved our speech back to 12:00 PM Saturday. We met up with Tradeser and some other people who are down and managed to snag a $75/night sweet in about 15 minutes, this is after we were informed that there we no rooms left. After tired and hungry from the car ride we went downstairs to get a bite at the diner on the first floor of the hotel. After eating a nice meal of whatever it was we decided to skip out on the bill, all 5 of us. We get up and run out of the door and all the way up to the elevator where we giggled up to our hotel room. After about 5 minutes we get a call to our room asking if we had just eaten at the diner. We told them that we hadn't and then they said something that scared whomever was talking on the phone. We got Atari to get out his money and go down and pay the bill. Atari said that he was scared of elevators and wanted me to walk down there with him. We go down there and tell our waitress that we had forgotten our wallets in our suitcases and gone up to get the money. Relieved, she laughed it off and got a big tip. There ARE security cameras inside the diner and they do go up to the front desk. Later that night I found some guy who wanted to make a beer run so we left the con and started walking around Detroit's inner city looking for a liquor store. This was probably the scariest 20 minutes of my life. We found some corner store that the entire cast of _Boyz in the_Hood_ was standing in front of. Next to them was a whole busload of Jesus freaks that were trying to stop people from going into the liquor store. While the guy I was with went in to buy beer I stood outside and tried to mess with the Jesus freaks. It is not possible to convince them there maybe be different ways on interpreting the Bible. He will come up to me and say something and I'll respond _yeah, that's one way to look at it, but couldn't you also interpret it this way?_ And he'll give me an astonished look and say What?! But it says it right here! as he points out some bible passage that he just quoted. It is a good way to waste time, my friend was out in a jiffy with the beer. On our way back to the hotel the Jesus freak gave me a book so that I may be saved. It's story line is that a guy is in purgatory and is looking back on all of the bad things he did in his life. One page was him looking back to when he asked his other teenage friends if they had 'heard the latest dirty joke?'. These books are funny as H _ E _ double hockey sticks when your drunk. After we got back to the hotel there was some panel discussion that sodium and I took part in. I forget the topic, all I know is that I sat next to Rick Forno and he kept making fun of NFF under his breath. Somehow, during the panel discussion I convinced NFF to give me his key card to his room. What the FUCK were you thinking? He sent me up there to fetch a bottle of Barcadi Limon for his to sip. Now I was already really drunk and sending me up to a room that isn't mine to fetch liquor that isn't mine is not the smartest thing to do. Most all that I can recall is that I found someone's (hoping that it was NFF_s) camera and used it to take pictures of my genitalia. I'm so grade school. Then I grabbed as much liquor as I could carry and went and it in my room. I went back downstairs with the Barcardi and filled up some cups for sodium and I. I gave the rest to NFF. I can't remember what happened after that. The next thing I can recall is that I was back in NFF_s room drinking more of his alcohol when a whole shitload of people bust in pushing a luggage rack into the room with NFF passed out on it with his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. I quickly snapped a picture [ available at ] , grabbed some more of his liquor and ran back to my room. Later on I heard that he had to go the to hospital and had a 1.xx % alcohol level. For those of you who don't know NFF is one of the people who throw the convention. For the parents whose kids talked them into letting them go, NFF would be one of the role models at the con. After getting Casper really drunk we take him outside and duct tape him to a pole. We then write owned me_ on him and leave. While we were taping him to the pole a bus drivers comes up and starts talking to us. Apparently he drives of Nelly, who is staying at our hotel. Then sodium and I just ran around the con telling people to come to our room to party. After a little bit there were a bunch of people chilling in our room drinking all of NFF_s liquor and getting wasted. Some guy was trying to convince us that he could sell us a bunch of used Sparcs, sparcbooks, and SGIs full of government docs for like $20 a piece. I think he ended up sleeping on our couch. At, or around the time of our party, sod and I met these guys Andreas and Dave. Adreas is a Norwegian import and Dave is a slimmed down version of a talking silent bob. But them to together and give them alcohol and it's a recipe for a good time. We ended up chilling in our room, making fun of the drunk guy who kept trying to sell us stuff, and then going to get something to eat at the diner and then going to bed. I think. I can't really separate the two of either nights that we were there, so give me some slack as to whether something happened on either Friday or Saturday night. In fact, I have some trouble remembering what even happened Saturday day...but I'll try. We wake up around 11:30 so that we have time to prepare for our speech. We wake up, drink some shots, and go down to the conference room. Mr. Richard. I-think-I-am-a hotshot-because-I-am-so-old-and-still-get-invited-to- hacker-cons Theime had figured that since he saw that there was an empty slot on the schedule behind his slot that he could carry over for an extra half hour. Our talk got pushed back until 4:00 that day. Sodium and I made plans to stink-palm him but never saw him again that con. One of the k1dd1ez must have leaked our 0-day. Then I think we just bullshitted around in the network room and got drunk[er]. While chilling in the con some guy comes up to me and starts asking me questions about what the con is about. And offering to become a sponsor for next years con. He then goes on more about how he is looking for someone to do some security for his business and needs my docs. About this time I got informed that our talk had been moved up to 2:00, which happened to be in about, oh, about 5 minutes. I tell him to go talk to sodium while I brainstorm for my speech. Sod and I meet in the conference room and apparently that guy was a hip-hop producer and wanted to put fly us, and the rest of the crew, up to NYC, put us up in a hotel, and consult with him about his business. Sodium quoted him a price of $10,000.00 - $15,000.00 to which the guy sounded pleased. Later on during the con we talk to a hacker who had been approached by the same guy and offered $5,000.00 to break into the DMV. We have his docs if anyone wants them. Our talk KICKED ASS! Well, it probably didn't, but we were really drunk and we got to show our big gun video TWICE!!! We talked a bunch about some scams and got the audience to participate by throwing various state drivers licenses at us while we were trying to talk. I think sometime during the speech some old guy with a moustache had an amendment to one of our scams that included picking up a bunch of little kids and driving them around in our car to foreign neighborhoods. After the talk we hang out around the conference room for a bit and I run into Dave. I ask him if he and Andreas want to get beer and party tonight _ they do. We all go back to our room and watch some Chris Farley movie while sodium's girl friend drink a whole bottle of gin. A WHOLE BOTTLE OF GIN!! Shit, I can't even drink an ounce of gin even if its buried under a 2 liter of coke. She was drinking is straight from the bottle, NFF style. After she downed the bottle she got funny drunk. You know, the kind of funny you get right before you're about to throw up for 5 hours. A fight broke out and she started beating the crap out of sodium because he said he hated her or something. Always the reliable shoulder to lean on, I run and grab my camera and snap a picture. Now that's some funny shit. About 2 minutes later she is in the bathroom puking and Dave and Andreas arrive. They had already bought the alcohol and we started drinking. Now the entire length of this con Atari and Casper (the girlfriend's brother and best friend) were following us around the whole time. Doing immense damage to our reputation [ like we actually a reputation ]. I swear, these kids were raised by homing pigeons. They were impossible to shake. Earlier this con I sold Casper a walk-a-bout for $40 that I had picked up at PhreakNIC. I doubt that he ever got off the air for a second after he bought that. So here we are sitting in our room drinking and Casper picked up something about a party on the 18th floor where there are lots of easy girls. We tell him to go up there and see what he can do. We stay and tend to sodium's girlfriend. She then passes out in the bathroom, against the door, so that it cannot be opened. About five minutes later Casper returns holding two beers and has a cigar in his mouth. No girls but lots of beer. He begs us to come back up with him. Sodium, Dave, Andreas and I walk upstairs and knock on the door. After introducing ourselves they let us in and start giving out beer. Someone downstairs is throwing trashcans of water out the window, which is the coolest thing in the world one can possibly do if they want to amuse drunk hackers. Now the people who were having the party pick up some people on their talk-a-bouts and tell them that there is a party on the 4th floor. The beers runs out so Dave, Andreas, and I decide to go play in the service elevators. We get into the elevators and we wind up on floor 4. Seriously I don't remember pushing the button. We get out and find a door that is chained shut. Taking the hint, we pull the doors open and climb under the chain. The 4th flood is abandoned and is nothing but broken windows and mattresses laying on empty floors. We meet some people who we had just been drinking with on the 18th floor down here and decided to explore it together. I find a hole in the floor and convince Dave to climb down in it with only a laser pointer for light. He must have balls of concrete, or lots and lots of alcohol. Then some girl from the 18th floors starts breaking shit. Throwing chairs at windows and reckless crap like that. Somebody heard the elevators stopping and we rush to get Dave out of the hole. We run up the stairs as the elevator stopped. Now apparently sodium was down on the fourth floor and got chased off by a huge black cop. The rest of us run up the stairs and get off on the 7th floor. As soon as we get out there some tattooed old lady wearing a green shirt starts screaming _What the fuck are you doing on this floor?1 Get the fuck off!!_ and threatened one guy with a baseball bat. She then said that she'd be checking the 4th floor to make sure there wasn't anybody there. [ Later on in the con we find out that the fourth floor used to be the personal bar for Jimmy Hoffa and that it has been closed ever since ] We then get back on the main elevator and go down to the lobby. Adreas, Dave, Casper and I exit the elevator. Almost immediately big-bald-rubi con security (Matrix?) grabs Casper by the shirt and pulls him into the network room. Thinking that we'd been busted the rest of us escape to the parking lot. After a few minutes we return to the 18th floor and found Casper and everybody else. Everybody else had gotten off on the 8th floor and Casper was pulled aside for a different reason. Apparently earlier during the con Casper was instructed to unplug a cat 5 cable from our friend Rich's room. Not understanding the basic way a phone jack works, Casper pushes the cable instead of trying to pull it. In the process he knocked a blender off of the table. Which was a damn shame because rich and Simon9x were making some kick ass strawberry drinks. And that is what he was pulled aside for. So we are chilling on the 18th floor partying in with a bunch of people when it some little kid starts asking for weed. It just so happens that one of the people at the party was a resident at the hotel, who had lived there for 9 years and grew his own weed in his bathtub. He agrees to take everybody over to his place next door to smoke. We [sodium and myself] go over to his place to smoke, He puts the Pink Panther song on his stereo and starts smiling at us and not saying anything so we leave, after getting a hit or two. We return to our room where we go in to get some beer. Soon after that Andreas and Dave stop by and we starting drinking more. Casper comes back and hides in our room. He starts saying all this shit about how he is in danger and how Fuck Mobsters was written in the elevator. He goes on about how everyone at the con wants to kick the entire crew because we hack hacked, stole a bunch of NIC cards, stolen the talk-a-bout that Casper was on, and had stolen the prizes from the Win NNF's T-Shirts contest. Sodium, Andreas, Dave and I just stare at each other in wonderment. Although none of us said anything we all were wondering, _Oh man...did I really do all of that?_ Hell, I wish I was that busy during the con. About 80% of my time spent there was in some room drinking with Andreas and Dave. Also while I was gone I got a message that someone called and tried to drop my docs. They dropped like two of the names I was using there and said where I was from [ like that hasn't been said in every file I've ever written ]. We continue to drink more beer and chill. We continue to get drunk as Casper is talking more shit over the talk-a-bout. Since he was staying in our room [ yes he paid for it, and yes we made him sleep on the couch] whatever he did got associated with the name, like "oh, there goes that little bastard," and etc. so the people on the other end are talking all of this shit about us and going on and on about how tough they are because they live in Detroit or some shit. Drunk on liquid courage we tell them our room number and say something along the lines of You know where we are. Come on up and say that shit to our face you cowardly pussies. Or something to that effect. They talk on and on, and we just eventually turn off the radio. We drink more. Then there is a knock at the door. We're like 'oh shit' as we get up and open the door. It's the big guy who pulled Casper aside. He walks in and pushed sodium and I back into our room. Standing behind him is his legion of 90lb nerds who came along for the ride. We ask them if they were the ones talking all the shit on the radio and they bust out laughing, acting all buddy-buddy with us. The big guy walks in with his exact copy who is only 1/4th his size [I shall call him 'mini-me ] and the nerd patrol. Everyone besides the big guy seemed scared as fuck and I had to talk them into coming into our room. They start saying how this whole mess has gotten out of hand and how Casper shouldn't have broken the blender. It just so happened that the guy who owned the blender that got broken is down with the crew. More down with us than the kid who broke it, and more down in fact than the guys who were trying to seek revenge for his broken blender. He got on the talk-a-bouts and told everyone to stop fucking around and that he didn't care about the blender. I can't remember what happen next, so I'll just assume that we drank more. The next thing I know Dave, Adreas and I go down to see the social engineering contest. This had the potential to be really cool but the fact of the matter is that you aren't going to get a lot of people on the phone at 3:00am. They called up a few places and got answering machines. We get up and leave to go to one of the Goth clubs located in the hotel. Rumor had it that the famed "naked girl", wearing only a thong and strategically placed electrical duct tape, was going to be there. We walk up to the entrance and find that there is a $4 cover charge and that the club closes is 1/2 hour. We go to the diner to get something to eat and it takes forever. After falling asleep and waking up at the table a few time we decide its time for bed. On my way back up I stop the conference room and peek in to see how darkcube's "rave" is turning out. Sodium and I were supposed to break dance this year, but he was passed out and I was on my way. There are maybe 7 people in the room, all of them sitting is chairs. I say goodnight and go to bed. We wake up Sunday at who-knows-when. All I remember is that when I wake up I am informed that everything in our room was, at some point in time, covered in vomit the night before. Hrmm...even me? We load up our gear and laugh about how much it must suck to be the hotel crew who has to clean up after people like us. We load up our car and then go to the closing ceremony. We end up waiting out in the hallway for the ceremony to start and out of boredom start making up some stories about the night before. We had Casper absolutely convinced that we got a picture of him passed out in the hallway sucking darkcube's dick. It worked so well because we had darkcube and a bunch of other random people confirm it. We almost cried. So did we - only from laughing. Then we go the ceremony and some bald guy who had a sword won the scavenger contest. The night before he asked us to show him where the PBX was, so, like, umm....can I claim partial credit? Then some lady threw candy at us. We get up to leave and I'm able to scam myself a free a t-shirt. We then get in the car and start the drive home. The drive is pretty much the same going up, a little slower because we don't have a deadline this time. We manage to pick up some people from ohio on our talk-a-bout and it just so happens that they had a car full of radar/laser/etc.... detection. Fear the geekempire crew. That was fun, until Casper complains how he can't pick up trucker's CB on it. We laugh at him more. We stop by Columbus for a bit and end up helping some crazy lady mulch her street. I don't really know how it happened, I must have been hungover and agreed to do it. I then saw sodium pull off the greatest social engineer of all time. He convinced this lady that he was a runner. If anyone knows sodium, they'll know why this is funny. We go back to Atari/Sod's girlfriend house so that Atari can pick up some stuff. I'm still hungover sitting at his kitchen table when Atari starts cussing out his dad and screaming from his room. Next thing I know, Casper is screaming like a school girl because apparently Atari threw a trashcan at his head [ ?!!]. Casper runs out of Atari's room with a red rectangle on his forehead that's swelled up almost 1/2 inch high. We then convince Atari that his best friend Casper, both of whom I've only known for 2 days, has AIDS. Atari freaks out and scrubs the fuck out of the trashcan to get the AIDS virus off it while his friend bleeds in the kitchen. We get in the car and drive some more and Atari gets all paranoid and starts asking all kinds of crap about his friend and about AIDS. During our conversation Casper offers Atari a sip of his drink and he just flips out, whispering shit like "that's all you man. I ain't touching that". It was all really funny. Then I doze off to the sound of sodium schooling these kids on some aspect of H/P. I get back to my house around 11:30 pm and start on my homework for class tomorrow. Highlights from the con: - Sodium and I getting around 3-4 job offers [ let's see...I got one in chicago, columbus, NYC, and a remote one ]. - Convincing Casper that he had sucked dick, and convincing his best friend that he had AIDS. [ Never underestimate the potential for entertainment that two gullible teenagers carry. ] - The image that I had in my head of the "naked girl" after about 72 hours on continuous drinking. - Chilling with Adreas and Dave, those two just cracked me up the whole con. - Having virtually everyone there know who I was, and what crew I was with [sure they were all looking to kick my ass and smash all of my hardware, but in a sick way, it was refreshing ]. - Writing the longest con review in the history of the world.