Rubi Con 2002 will offer more than 60 hours of speakers, workshops and panel discussions. From in depth technical presentations on UNIX security to philosophical conversations about the social effects of the Internet. Take a look at our (always expanding) schedule for speakers and topics. We run two tracks simultaneously, nearly 24 hours per day. There is so much content you will never have trouble finding something interesting to listen in on.
Network at Rubi Con
Per every other computer convention in the universe, we will be throwing together a huge, snaking knot of a network. It will be jacked into the Internet by some kind of connection, so bring your box, network cable, and hubs. This is a great way to learn a little more about networking, different OS's, and make some friends, so bring your equipment. For information, or if you want to help, contact deline@rubi-con.org.
DJ in the Network Room
Froggy, our man with the turntables, is organizing DJ slots for anyone who wants to spin. Why is he doing it? Because someone has to, and I don't want to. That's why. We will set the system up in the network room for the perfect backdrop to frantic hacking --hours of great techno. Can you spin? Can you pretend to spin? Book a time and test your skills. Check this page for more info, or contact Froggy himself at rubi-condj@froggynet.com.
Capture the Flag
Show off your r33t hax0ring skills, and/or your network security ninja prowess. We'll set up a slew of network boxes, and all you security wizards are invited set up more. Then sit back and watch them get attacked over the LAN. Official rules will be posted soon, and prizes will be given out both for the most hacks and whoever survived the longest. If you would like to run a server contact deline@rubi-con.org.
Win NFF's T-Shirts
Know something no one else does? Know something that even Nate doesn't? Want a T-shirt? Play Win NFF's T-shirts, and you might impress everyone and land yourself a shirt. Preregistration of teams is welcome... encouraged even. Send something to nff@wcbn.org.
Ham at Rubi Con
Who knows, but if you have an amateur radio license bring your gear. If you'd like more of an idea contact rijilv@rubi-con.org.
Movie Night
One night we'll throw a bunch of cool movies up on the speaker room wall. Bring anything you want to watch, we'll provide Wargames, Sneakers, (maybe) Hackers, and some old IBM training videos. Really, when was the last time you saw Tron? If you want to bring something for everyone to watch contact tantalo@rubi-con.org.
Scavenger Hunt
Good at finding things? REALLY GOOD? Put your skills to the test. The official Rubi Con Scavenger Hunt, now in its fourth year, will continue to promote petty theft and vandalism. Look for it in the Rubi Con 2002 packet.