"Well there are a lot of 15 year old kids sleeping in a corner somewhere
or in someone else's room."
	-Evil trying to confort some kids parents who drove in from 
	Canada to get their child at 5am Saturday night.
	Rubicon 1999
"I don't think there is anyone who isn't thinking about root'ing Leah
right now."
	Rubicon 2000
"I think we're going to be crusifing a lot of people this weekend."
	-Attributed to RijilV
	Rubicon 2000
"The sun is never as bright as it is when you expect it to be dark
	Rubicon 2000
"Bitch.  Root.  Now."
	-Admin X
	Rubicon 2000
"Give me ze launch codes!!  Do so and your future will be as bright as all
the stars above the Russian Empire!"
	-Some random Russian
	Rubicon 2000

(CPE 1704 TKS ??)

"Hacked this bitch Detroit style."
	-Orginally Naptime and Rich
"20. 3y3 @/\/\ 33333111133337777!!!! 3y3 0WnZzz j0000!!!1

I doubt it. Ask Ech0 what we do to script kiddies."
	-Rubicon 2001 FAQ